The Maronite Academy is an initiative, undertaken by the Maronite Foundation, aimed at introducing young Lebanese immigrants around the world to their country of origin, Lebanon.
The Foundation is proud to announce, the opening of the 8th consecutive session of the Maronite Academy in honor of the late H. E. Michel Eddé, Founder and honorary President of the Maronite Foundation.
The candidatesshould be descendants of Lebanese Ancestors, aged between 20 and 30, and should undergo online courses to build their knowledge about Lebanon and the Maronite Heritage.
To increase their chances of being selected, the candidates must also complete the form on the website https://maronitefoundation.org/LebaneseCitizenship/en to learn more about their roots and to check if they are eligible to get their Lebanese Citizenship.
After successfully completing their online courses, the candidates will benefit from an organized two-week trip to Lebanon (August 2 to 17, 2025), hosted by the Maronite Foundation.
During their stay in Lebanon, the candidates will get to bond with their roots and explore the history of Lebanon and the Maronite Heritage through specialized seminars given by prominent figures and various site visits.
Please spread the word about the Maronite Academy program among your friends and family to register before the end of April 2025 and join the Maronite Academy!
*Candidates must be fluent in English
We are expecting your visit soon! Like us on Facebook and follow us on Instagram!
The Maronite Foundation in the World